Thursday, July 17, 2008

Prayers for Kanon

This sweet baby is Kanon. He is the son of our good friends, Brian and Jenny. Wendell was best friends with Brian in High School, and I have known and loved them both since Wendell and I started dating. That's more than 13 years ago.

Kanon is being treated for the same rare disease that took the life of their last sweet baby, Kohen. He has been such a trooper so far. He has gone through a bone marrow transplant and chemotherapy. Jenny has been in Tucson with him for over two months and it has been hard. Her husband and three kids have stayed here, where they live.

He is being taken off of his machines today, and is not expected to make it. I have cried and cried for this sweet family and have struggled with what I can possibly do to help them.

The only thing I can think of is to solicit prayers on their behalf. They both have great supportive families, and I know that they are being prayed for daily. But I think every little bit helps.

Jenny is so strong, and has had such a great attitude. Check out her blog, and you will see how super humanly brave and humble she has been. She knows her Heavenly Father loves her, and loves baby Kanon . (The same goes for Brian too. Jenny is the one who writes the blog, so I have more of an insight into her thoughts and feelings, but Brian is doing an awesome job with the kids, and is down in Tucson with Jenny and the baby every chance he gets. He is an amazing father.)

There is nothing like looking at something like this to make my own problems seem insignificant.

I hope you will join me in praying for this sweet family. Jenny asks only that Heavenly Father's will be done. She is such a good woman. I pray that her family may somehow have peace. If it is Kanon's time to go, I pray that his family may feel the support and love of every one around them, and their Heavenly Father. I pray that their three children will be able to deal with the loss of yet another baby.

If anyone has gone through a similar experience, or has any ideas on how we as their friends can help ease their burdens, please let me know. Thanks.

1 people know I love comments!:

Melanie and Will said...

OMG! That was just the saddest story!!!!! Brings tears to my eyes! Not only have they had to endure this but they've done it before??!!?? Wow. That takes a lot of faith on their behalf. I couldn't even begin to imagine what they go through each and every day! I will pray for them.

PS...this must be the friend you told me about that wanted her blog changed?? If she's still interested....let me know! I'd be HAPPY to do it for her!!!!!! Anything that can perk her day.