Sunday, February 7, 2010

They Grow Up So Fast!

Is she 15 months old? Or fifteen years...

She's checking out her weight...while putting on her head band. Notice she is in the buff, in order to get a lower, more accurate read.

Just checking her inbox on her phone. She is getting pretty good with that stylus.

I don't know where she gets this stuff....

11 people know I love comments!:

tracey said...

LOL! LOVE it!! :D

Sarah said...

Aw, they grow up too fast, don't they?

Elizabeth Larson said...

Sherry- I LOVE this post. So adorable. It does look like she already knows exactly what she is doing!! Silly girl! Anyhow, I am so glad that we have these blogs cause I feel like I know you so much better than I ever did before. And it's amazing that now I can see all these great pictures of your family that I never would have seen any other way. Love it!

Patrice said...

The earrings and the concerned look really complete the package. Too funny!

Rhonda said...

You kill me! Like mother, like daughter I guess!
Isn't it crazy that our girls are getting so old! (We so need to do a playdate!)

onehm said...

You are the winner on my blog!! ;)
Shoot me an email with your address so I can send the cd's to ya!

Jamie said...

They are just to smart for thier own good!!

Clarisa said...

so very cute! love the weight check. who taught her that?

sista # 2 said...

Classic!!How adorable ;)

Full House said...

Sherry what is going on...I'm scared to think she is really 15 months old. Loved the part about weighing oneself in the buff. I used to also do it first thing in the morning after I peed and before I ate.,,way back when...when I lived @ my momma and Daddys house.

queenbee4 said...

Hmmm.... I can't imagine where she has sen such behavior modeled for her.