Friday, October 9, 2009

All Hail the Queen

That's right. It's Queenie's birthday today. No matter how hard I tried to will this day away, into the distant future it was not to be. My baby is growing up.

How did she go from this:

to this:

independent little thing.

Who told her she could grow up so fast? O.K. So she is still tiny. And she still likes a snuggle. But she also likes to walk and talk.

and say hello. And bye bye. and babble about the kind of day she has had...

More on the joys and sorrows of my baby growing up later. But for now it will suffice to simply pay homage to her majesty on her birthday.

9 people know I love comments!:

Sarah said...

I've been wondering if you call her "the queen" because she thinks she is the queen of your castle or because YOU think she is queen of your castle? I've got several around here who think they are the queen. It's causing a few conflicts of interest since the truth is that I'M THE QUEEN (haha who am I kidding I'm the maid)!
Seriously, she is so adorable. We still have to try to get together one of these days, before our kids are all grown up.

Ken_and_Becky said...

Happy Birthday Queen Abby!! She's such a cutie!

Jamie said...

Happy Happy Birthday to the Queen!!

Joy said...

Abbers is the queen because she is the supreme ruler in their house, well, any house. She loved to nurse and starved herself for 12 hours straight one time because she would not drink from her bottle. I love love love her to pieces and I wish we could freeze her right where she is right now. And Sherry, it's ok that you spelled independent wrong, you are on heavy pain killers. Just don't let it happen again. :=

Danielle said...

She is so cute! Thank goodness they really are still babies until 18 months or so! I am always sad when they lose the baby look!


It is so hard when your last grows up, isn't it?! It wasn't quite so hard when the first got big. It was still hard, but not as bad. I have been dying with my Sammy growing so big so quick. It makes me want to cry. Brent keeps telling me to just remember I'll get grandbabies some day. Hmmmm....not so sure that cuts it! She is darling, though, all big and walking. Hopefully, you are getting enough time to enjoy her as much as you like.

Vidal's Nest said...

Wow! That went quick. She is a beautiful one! All hail the queen! Happy Birthday!

The Taylor Family said...

She is adorable for sure. They grow up so fast, it's time for another one, right!

Mariah said...

Happy Belated Birthday Abbigail!!! Hope she had a fantastic-o one!!